Freitag, 26. August 2011

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Eid mubarak cards

Eid mubarak cards

Eid mubarak cards

Eid mubarak cards

Eid mubarak cards

Eid mubarak cards

Eid mubarak cards

Eid mubarak cards

Eid mubarak cards

Eid mubarak cards

Eid mubarak cards

Eid mubarak cards

Eid mubarak cards

Eid cards

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Eid cards

Dienstag, 23. August 2011

Poetry by Jorge Luis Borges

The Art of Poetry by Jorge Luis Borges

To gaze at a river made of time and water
and remember Time is another river.
To know we stray like a river
and our faces vanish like water.

To feel that waking is another dream
that dreams of not dreaming and that the death
we fear in our bones is the death
that every night we call a dream.

To see in every day and year a symbol
of all the days of man and his years,
and convert the outrage of the years
into a music, a sound, and a symbol.

To see in death a dream, in the sunset
a golden sadnesssuch is poetry,
humble and immortal, poetry,
returning, like dawn and the sunset.

Sometimes at evening there's a face
that sees us from the deeps of a mirror.
Art must be that sort of mirror,
disclosing to each of us his face.

They say Ulysses, wearied of wonders,
wept with love on seeing Ithaca,
humble and green. Art is that Ithaca,
a green eternity, not wonders.

Art is endless like a river flowing,
passing, yet remaining, a mirror to the same
inconstant Heraclitus, who is the same
and yet another, like the river flowing.

Jorge Luis Borges

Jorge Luis Borges 110th birthday

Jorge Luis Borges 110th birthday

Jorge Luis Borges 110th birthday

Jorge Luis Borges 110th birthday

Jorge Luis Borges 110th birthday

Jorge Luis Borges 110th birthday

Jorge Luis Borges 110th birthday

Jorge Luis Borges 110th birthday

Jorge Luis Borges 110th birthday

Jorge Luis Borges

Jorge Luis Borges was a very influential writer in Argentina, poet, writer, whose work is often characterized by the use of mathematical and logical concepts. One of his most famous works, "Garden of Forking Paths," tells the story of a German spy, as he tries to convey his message, while trying to escape his enemies. In this story, we see the twisting of our notions of time and alternate realities exist simultaneously. life According to Borges, follow linear paths differ from the choices we make. the alternate reality that we create as we continue our life is not the same, but they are equal. One of the biggest concerns in this story is a book written by the competition grandfather, written to an infinite labyrinth, or as Borges described, "a maze that can be folded on itself forever return

Jorge Luis Borges

Jorge Luis Borges

Jorge Luis Borges

Jorge Luis Borges

Jorge Luis Borges

Jorge Luis Borges
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